The Special Report “Refugees from Ukraine in Poland” was published on the official website of the European Commission

The report was written after analyzing the results of a sociological survey conducted from March 23-April 3, 2022, by the EWL Migration Platform and Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw. The surveyed 400 Ukrainian citizens who arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022, in connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

According to the survey, as many as 63% of Ukrainian refugees want to take advantage of the special solutions introduced by the Polish government and take up a job during their stay in Poland. At the same time, only a third of the respondents declare a desire to stay in Poland for a longer period of time.

We are pleased that the results of our research allow us to better understand the challenges of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in light of refugee migration, as well as to subject aspects of the crisis to deeper analysis at various levels of international institutions.

