Our services

Employee leasing

Employee leasing is above all the ability to respond dynamically to changing staffing needs.

Eine lächelnde Frau mit langen, blonden Haaren sitzt in einem modernen Büro. Sie trägt einen eleganten Blazer und schaut aufmerksam auf jemanden, der ein Dokument hält. Vor ihr stehen ein Laptop und ein Glas, was auf ein Geschäftstreffen oder eine Besprechung hindeutet.
What is it?

What is employee leasing?

Employee leasing is a solution allowing to respond dynamically to changing staffing needs. In industries characterised by seasonality, employee leasing makes it possible to quickly recruit temporary workers during periods of increased production and smoothly reduce the workforce during periods of decline. This minimises the costs and risks associated with hiring and firing full-time employees. What is more, working with a temporary employment agency benefits both the company and the seasonal workers who are engaged in other projects once the assignments are completed.

Employee leasing also allows for flexible staffing in the event of a sudden increase in production, while reducing the costs of recruitment, selection, and payroll and administrative services.

Whether you are looking for seasonal or year-round employees, employee leasing generates savings for your business.

Zwei Arbeiter in Schutzhelmen und Schutzbrillen stehen in einer modernen Industriehalle. Sie tragen graue Arbeitskleidung und lächeln, während sie gemeinsam ein Dokument betrachten.

Effective human resources management

Employee leasing is a perfect solution for companies that need to adapt quickly to changing market conditions. With our solutions, you will gain flexibility in human resource management, allowing you to optimise costs and increase operational efficiency.


  • Fast and effective recruitment
  • Employment flexibility adapted to suit your needs
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Full administrative and human resources support
  • HR process optimisation
  • Increase in team productivity
  • Reduction of the administrative burden
  • Support during periods of peak labour demand

Explore all the possibilities and benefits

Contact us to ask about process and function outsourcing solutions tailored to your company’s needs!

Ask about our services

EWL’s services are used by companies in various industries

Na zdjęciu widzimy dwóch pracowników ubranych w żółte kaski ochronne i szare kombinezony robocze. Mężczyzna i kobieta stoją obok siebie, patrząc na dokumenty, prawdopodobnie plany lub schematy, i uśmiechają się. Oboje noszą okulary ochronne, a scena rozgrywa się w jasnym, dobrze oświetlonym wnętrzu przemysłowym, sugerującym halę produkcyjną lub zakład pracy.

Employee leasing is not just about saving money

Although one of the main advantages of using an employee leasing service is the elimination of a significant portion of the financial outlay for recruiting and selecting employees, cost reduction is not the only benefit for a company choosing this model of cooperation.

The employee leasing service greatly simplifies the workforce cost planning process with a clear billing model for hours worked. An additional advantage of employee leasing is that it secures the legal risks of hiring and legalising the employment of foreigners in Poland.

In addition, from the company’s point of view, there is also the benefit of being able to qualify the cost of hiring temporary workers as an external service rather than a staffing service, as well as the choice of employing workers under short-term or long-term contracts.


How can we help you?

Contact us for any inquiries or cooperation.
