Published: 28.03.2022
Author:Julia Popiel
Julia Popiel
Blog EWL | News

What ought to employee relocation in the IT sector look like?

Relocation of IT specialists

The IT sector has been developing dynamically. This requires great flexibility on the part of both business owners and employees. Not surprisingly, relocation has become a common practice of this sector. When properly carried out, it is an opportunity for IT specialists to develop, establish new contacts and earn better salaries, and for entrepreneurs to enter new markets or fill staff shortages. In today’s article we will explain what employee relocation is and what it should look like in order to provide benefits for both parties.

Relocation — definition

Co to jest relokacja? Relokacja pracownika jest to wysłanie go do innego miasta lub państwa. Przeniesienie to ma What is relocation? Relocating an employee is sending them to another city or country. The reason for relocation is of course a professional one. Relocation of employees is a necessity, especially in companies that open new branches and offices. The knowledge and experience of specialists are invaluable in this case, and allow for the immediate introduction of new employees, as well as the unification of standards and procedures in the newly created branch.

Relocation may also be connected with the execution of a specific project, but unlike delegation it lasts longer. An employer may relocate an employee to another city for a maximum of three months, and in the case of relocation abroad even for two years. What is important, relocation of an employee may concern a transfer within one company, as well as being sent to work for another entity. Then we speak about the so-called relocation services.

The candidate and relocation — what is it

One more tyOne more type of relocation is worth mentioning here. Candidates are often asked about it during the recruitment interview. It concerns the readiness to move in case of receiving an interesting job offer outside the place of residence. Relocation of employees is also an opportunity for entrepreneurs who develop their business and look for IT specialists outside of our country. IT specialists who are more and more willing to relocate come from:

  • Ukraine,
  • Belarus,
  • Lithuania,
  • Latvia,
  • Georgia,
  • Armenia,
  • Azerbaijan.

The Polish government’s programme Poland. Business Harbour is not without significance. It opened the Polish market to IT specialists from Eastern Europe thanks to simplified relocation and legalization of employment procedures. Seeing the growing demand in this sector, we have decided to support entrepreneurs and employees in the employment and relocation of IT specialists. We operate according to the win-win principle, in which both parties are satisfied. The employer hires an IT specialist with specific skills, which we verify in advance, and the employee starts working for a company that meets their expectations.

Work relocation package — what you should know

Relocation is quite a logistical challenge that places many responsibilities on the employer. Before we explain what a relocation package is, we will first discuss some of the most important issues:

  • relocation can only take place with the employee’s consent,
  • relocation is not permitted for mothers of children under 4 years of age,
  • the relocated employee must receive a contract,
  • the remuneration should be comparable to that offered at the location,
  • the employee’s salary must not be lower than before relocation,
  • relocation to another city cannot be longer than 3 months,
  • within the framework of relocation, work in EU countries may last 2 years,
  • a temporarily relocated employee does not need a work permit,
  • the relocated employee’s social security contributions will be paid in their home country,
  • the employer of the relocated employee must provide them with access to medical care.

A relocation package — what is it

A relocation package is a set of benefits for an employee who has agreed to relocate to another city or country due to professional responsibilities. Such a package takes various forms, but most often it involves both logistical and financial support for the relocated IT specialist. Everything, of course, depends on the time and conditions of the relocation. The EWL Group offers a relocation starter package, where we provide:

  • assistance in the process of legalization of employment,
  • support in finding accommodation,
  • coordination in bringing the family in case of long-term relocation,
  • consultation in dealing with official matters (assigning a PESEL number, etc.)

What should relocation of IT specialists look like — summary

Both entrepreneurs and relocation companies face a huge challenge. After all, successful relocation should take into account the interests of both parties. How do you know when it has been successful? Our experience shows that IT specialists who receives the necessary support at the start quickly find their feet in the new workplace.

For the employer such an employee is a real treasure. The sooner such a person feels “at home”, the sooner they will start to achieve the set goals. For the entrepreneur it is a chance for the development of the company, and for the IT specialist it is the possibility of professional promotion, participation in interesting projects and high salaries.

How can we support your company?

From the very beginning of our cooperation, we offer you our assistence in the precise analysis of your needs and the determination of the most optimal strategy for the acqusition of IT specialists.

Discover IT Recruitment with EWL
Julia Popiel
