Published: 09.06.2021
Author:Anatoliy Zymnin
Anatoliy Zymnin
News | Reports

A report by EWL S.A. ‘A foreign employee in Poland in the pandemic – 3rd edition’ [PDF]

Pracownicy zagraniczni z Polsce - raport EWL

We present to you the latest study on labour market sentiments during the COVID-19 pandemic, conducted by EWL with the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw.

For the third time since the epidemic outbreak we asked foreign workers about their economic situation, sense of security, assessment of the Polish economy and Polish employers, and plans for the future.

Foreigners in Poland – more than a year into the pandemic

This edition of the study involved 620 foreigners, mainly from Ukraine, working and staying in Poland in April and May 2021.

The coronavirus pandemic has posed a number of challenges that the society, workers, entrepreneurs and also those in power have to face every day. For foreigners, as for Polish citizens, restrictions in social life are increasingly burdensome.

Nevertheless, they positively assess the actions taken by employers and the Polish government. Many foreign workers decided to take advantage of the opportunities introduced by the so-called “covid acts”, but it is worth remembering that these regulations are temporary.

Work in Poland still attractive for foreigners, but…

The vast majority of respondents still find our country attractive in economic terms –satisfaction with working in Poland has remained unchanged and at a very high level since the beginning of the pandemic. However, it may be a cause for concern that despite liberal migration regulations, economic revival and a greater number of job offers, foreign workers are increasingly looking for employment in our neighbouring countries. Especially given the increasing openness to migrants from Eastern Europe in Germany and the Czech Republic, as well as in Finland and the Baltic States.

Foreign workers in Poland – download the report with commentary

We invite you to read the detailed results of our research and our expert forecasts on the development of the labour market in the coming months. We believe that the analysis of the study results will allow not only for an accurate diagnosis of the threats, but also for drawing the right conclusions and taking the steps to ensure that our labour market remains attractive to foreign workers.

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Anatoliy Zymnin
