Renata Ostrowska - agencja EWL - wynajem pracowników Published: 22.10.2020
Author:Renata Ostrowska
Renata Ostrowska - agencja EWL - wynajem pracowników
Renata Ostrowska
Blog EWL

What are recommendation programmes and what benefits can they bring?

Na ilustracji widzimy sześć ikon profili osób z różnymi fryzurami, połączonych liniami z centralną dużą złotą monetą z symbolem dolara, która znajduje się na środku. Tło jest niebieskie.

If you have recently renovated a flat or repaired a car, you probably know that a good professional is worth more than gold. They will advise you, suggest a solution and the effects of their work will be consistent with your expectations. Will you recommend the services of such a specialist to your friends? You probably will. This is the secret of the success of whisper marketing, which is the basis for building recommendation programmes. These systems are used in international corporations, large and medium-sized enterprises and small, often one-person businesses. Based on satisfied clients, companies develop their business by introducing e.g. loyalty cards or discounts and gratuities for recommending a product to others.

It is not only B2C marketing specialists that benefit from recommendation programmes. In HR departments, a recommendation system for employees is being introduced more and more often. What does it look like in practice? To put it simply: ‘if you are satisfied with working for us and you know someone who could also work with us – recommend our company to them. We will gain a valuable employee and you will get a bonus’. Thanks to referral programmes, companies gain employees with potentially lower turnover levels. Why? Because such an employee has already heard of the company. They know about working for this company. They have a friend or family member with whom they can arrange, e.g. to carpool to work.

Partnership programmes also operate at B2B level. Companies guided by the win-win principle introduce recommendation systems for their business partners, thanks to which they can gain new ones. And what are the benefits for the entrepreneur who joins such a programme? Thanks to recommending the services of a competent partner to befriended companies or contractors, they can gain e.g. a discount on an invoice or free access to an additional service. By sharing knowledge and solutions that have proved their worth in your company you build an open and friendly business and integrate your environment. Contractors who benefit from the solution you suggested will be more likely to trust your company and share their contacts and good practices. 

You can learn more about the partnership programme introduced by EWL here.

Renata Ostrowska - agencja EWL - wynajem pracowników
Renata Ostrowska
