Published: 23.10.2020
Author:Elena Lytvynenko
Elena Lytvynenko
Blog EWL

Academy Ocean, i.e. onboarding and remote training

A scattered company structure. Several branches in Poland or worldwide. Sanitary regime related to COVID-19. How to train employees in this situation? How to pass on to them the rules applicable in your company? How to implement new solutions efficiently and develop skills?

We have found an ideal solution – Academy Ocean. 

EWL has hundreds of associates in 5 countries. We have 10 offices in Poland. These are thousands of temporary employees who start working for our business partners every day. It was essential to us to find a flexible and innovative solution, allowing for effective training. Especially that we started to implement the new Synchroner system, thus there was a need to train all our employees in its functionality. 

The training platform for internal and temporary employees – Academy Ocean – means to us, above all, quality and efficiency, as well as a means to save time and act quickly. Thanks to access to the platform we have the opportunity of:

  • Constant improvement of the skills of our internal and temporary employees – thanks to courses and training programmes in various fields and at different advancement levels. 
  • Effective implementation of new procedures and changes in the organisation – thanks to the platform we can keep employees informed about the implemented solutions and carry out the necessary instructions at a regular basis. 
  • Continuous monitoring of our employees’ progress. The platform allows us to identify problematic areas and effectively supplement the knowledge of our employees in the selected scope.
  • Effective onboarding – both for our internal and temporary employees. Thanks to the solutions of Academy Ocean we are able to adapt the onboarding procedure to the specific guidelines of our business partners. Our clients also gain access to the platform, thanks to which they can see for themselves the high quality of the solution introduced by us and train their dedicated temporary employees in the chosen scope.

Academy Ocean to nie tylko narzędzie usprawniające wewnętrzną komunikację w firmie. To platforma wymiany pomysłów, dzielenia się wiedzą, zacieśniania współpracy między działami. To system, który wyróżnia nas, jako partnera biznesowego.

Academy Ocean is not only a tool to improve internal communication within the company. It is a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge and strengthening cooperation between departments. It is a system that distinguishes us as a business partner. 
At EWL we know how important development is. We believe in Lifelong Learning. And thanks to Academy Ocean we give the opportunity of education and self-improvement to each of our employees, both internal and temporary ones. We take care of our employees. We take care of the development of your business.

Elena Lytvynenko
