Optimizing labour costs and employment structure



A large company which has been operating in the FMCG sector for many years, manufacturing drinks, as well as dessert and breakfast products. In total, the company employs about 500 people in two production plants.


Employees for increase in seasonal production

The specific nature of the client’s business is a large increase in order fulfillment during the high production season, which requires the hiring of many temporary workers at short notice.

Due to the nature of the business our client was looking for employees to help out during the busiest time of the year, but who the company did not plan to be associated with in the long term. When approaching our agency, the client was looking for help in obtaining production workers (however, they did not have to be highly skilled ones) and warehouse workers with UDT licenses.

Our client wanted to hire 50 temporary workers in just one month. EWL’s experience in similar and larger projects allowed us to set a goal of 100% completion of this order within the set deadline.


Flexible forms of cooperation – outsourcing

We started our cooperation with the client by meeting and discussing the principles of cooperation, which the EWL team had suggested for similar projects. The client defined the requirements for employees and described the offer and the company’s area of activity. After analyzing the employment and production levels, the EWL team began to implement solutions tailored to the client’s identified needs.

Our experts comprehensively dealt with the recruitment of necessary employees. The organization of transport and accommodation for employees was taken care of by a delegated project coordinator, who remained in constant contact with the client.

In addition, we suggested the creation of a team of leaders, i.e., employees with more experience – their tasks included helping new employees and monitoring the situation in the production.

An important factor that convinced the client to cooperate with our agency was the form of settlement in the option of employee outsourcing, which is also a guarantee of providing the highest quality services.


Quick recruitment for production needs

Thanks to cooperation with us, the client received a fully completed order in a short period, even during the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • EWL fulfilled the contract and recruited 50 employees for the client in less than a month.

We completed most orders during our relationship with the client within 7-10 days, based on the local market, which meant no quarantine was required. In order to provide the client with the highest quality employees, under the supervision of the EWL coordinator the client provided all employees with health and safety and job training within one day.

This meant that the proposed solutions and a broad base of recruiters made it possible to achieve 100% completion of orders within the deadline. Cooperation with EWL allowed for meeting the client’s recruitment needs, which was of great importance for the continuity of production in the period of increased demand for products.

In addition, the solutions proposed by EWL helped the client to match the level of employment to the level of production.


A proven recruitment partner

The choice of EWL for this project was not accidental. The client already knew that we are a proven partner on the Polish market of temporary employment agencies.

Employees supplied by EWL got to like their workplace and most of them have been working for the company for over a year. Thus, another client of ours could convince themselves of the right choice of candidates for this project.

Recruitment of temporary workers allows us to provide a stable pool of foreign workers in a situation of shortage of workers on the local market. Cooperation with EWL facilitates the acquisition of temporary workers (from Ukraine and other Eastern European countries).

The solutions proposed by the EWL employment agency can be helpful not only for this client, but also for other companies operating in the FMCG sector, regardless of whether the company is in the production of food, chemicals or other FMCG products.

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